Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Was that a seizure?? Not necessarily, Baby Acid Reflux can Cause Seizure LIKE Symptoms.

My son is still battling the acid reflux, but it's really more of a nuisance at this point, rather than a disorder.  As of yesterday, he's officially 19 months old.  Most children, by his age have outgrown the reflux.  I am unsure why I have been unable to wean him off medicine, but he usually only needs half a solutab a day.  I'm grateful that in a years time, my son has gone from being unable to eat solid foods, to a boy who loves chips and salsa.  Thanks to a proton pump inhibitor like Prevacid, my son can enjoy these foods with little remorse. 

I'm hoping that this blog helps you find a good place.  It's hard to see your child suffering, and when you lose hope in medical care givers as I did, you begin to wonder if your child will ever be cured.  I took my son to the emergency room after his very first episode.  I looked the physician in the eye and said, "he just ate a whole container of bananas, more solid food then he has ever eaten.  He refuses solid food."  She told me there is no way that seizures can be caused by eating.  Yes, that is true, but she needs to go back to school and learn that stomach problems in babies, CAN CAUSE SEIZURE LIKE SYMPTOMS.  If one physician would have hinted at that, my child wouldn't have gone on so long untreated.  The closest I got regarding an answer from a doctor, was our neurologist.  She said that maybe the reflux is causing him to hold his breath and pass out, and seize.  That's not the case, but she came close.  I remember the episodes so clearly.  There is help!  I found great support through, Surviving Reflux: Baby Center
Thank goodness for this wonderful forum.  I learned so much more from their experiences, then I did from any doctor. 
 In the beginning the doctor will insist you try Zantac.  Most likely this will help for a short period of time.  Maybe 2 weeks to a month.  Your baby will eventually grow immune to the medicine, and again be in reflux hell.  Your baby needs a good Proton Pump Inhibitor.  My son does so well on Prevacid Solutabs.  Of course, you and your doctor will be able to find the medicine that fits your baby the best.  My biggest tribulation was just getting a diagnosis.  I am saddened that my baby went so long undiagnosed.  I blame myself, but at the same time, it was my research that lead him to a treatment.  Even though he was 7 months old before he began his solutab regime, I am happy that I eventually got him to the place he needed to be.


  1. My son too has Sandifers Syndrome and was diagnosed this past March when he turned 1 after many long and hard doctor's visits,EEG's and MRI's to count out seizures. Thank you for sharing your story...mine is pretty similar!!!

  2. The habit to stay empty stomach generates Heartburn & Acid Reflux. To digest foods our digestion system generates one kind of acid inside our Stomach. By staying empty stomach this acid harms to our gastric glands.

    Excess secretion of acids from our gastric glands causes Heartburn & Acid Reflux. Acid Reflux is an uncomfortable experience. Burning sensation in heart is a symptom of Heartburn & Acid Reflux. To prevent you from Heartburn or Acid Reflux problems give first priority to not stay empty stomach.

    If you are in such a place where you are not able to eat some thing... For More Please Acid Reflux
