Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer 2012, Austin's Reflux Update.

I do apologize for not updating this blog much.  Life is busy, and Austin's reflux has subsided.  Needless to say, I don't think about it as much as I used to.  My son is now 2 years 4 months old.  We still give him Prevacid Solutabs, but I am honestly at the point of trying to wean him.  I really feel as if he may no longer need the medicine regimen!  This is thrilling!  We have since discovered a need for daily Clairiton as he had countless ear infections this year and the doctor suggested allergies as the root of the problem.  I honestly think they were right this time!
I certainly hope doctors are becoming more aware of the severity of baby reflux, and are properly treating the condition with PPI's.  PPI's are very mild and they will allow your beautiful child to be as comfortable as they should be.  Thinking about how much pain my son was in during his first 6 months of life makes me feel so guilty!  Why didn't I know?  How did it really get that bad!?  We all must learn from experiences though, and as a first time mother whose baby was very good at self soothing (small meals, back arching, etc), I honestly had no idea he was suffering until the Sandifer's set in.  I was slightly concerned about spitting up, but family members told me it was normal, some babies spit up more than others.  I would be suspicious the very moment my second child (if and when I am blessed with one), spit up.  It is a hereditary condition, and Austin most definitely has taught me so much.  His sibling will not have to suffer as he did.  I am so grateful my little man is now happy and healthy.  What a blessing it is to have gone through seizure like symptoms to discover my child is perfectly fine.  I am still recovering from some PTSD symptoms from the whole situation, but each day the memory subsides a bit more.  I hope your children are getting the care they need and that sharing my experience may save other mothers and babies extended torment.  I hope everyone is having a lovely Summer!  Take Care!
<3 Gillian